Can I rename a standard LaTeX symbol and use the old one?


I've got myself into a stupid situation: I am writing a document about entropy, and decided to use \H as a macro for \mathbf{H}. But then I had a problem because I had written the name Erd\H{o}s elsewhere in the document.

I would very much like to use \H as my macro -- is there an alternative way to realize the Hungarian umlaut if I do? (Obviously a simple solution would be just to use \h or \HH or something instead, so this isn't an important problem, but I'd still be happy if there were a suitable dodge that would allow me the luxury of using \H.)

Change the command for \mathbf{H}. I'd use \bH, but you can choose anything that fancies you. Maybe a semantic one, such as \entropy, as has been suggested in comments.

If you want to live dangerously,

As a general rule, don't use \renewcommand{\foo}{...} unless you precisely know that this won't cause harm. The example I often use is

because I don't like the “closed” form of phi. A colleague of mine wrote a frantic email because he couldn't solve a LaTeX error: he did \renewcommand{\c}{...} and his coauthor for the particular paper had “Ş” in his name…

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